Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Week 8 RESULTS and Stories of ANGELS!


Before we look at last week, here is a picture of the savior that I saw a few weeks ago. I can't really look at it without wanting to reach up and touch his hand. How many of you have felt this way, like you were drowning in sorrow, or stress, or grief, or weakness, and felt the Savior's pure love for you? What a beautiful thing. We are so blessed with this knowledge that He is there for us all the time, no matter what.

 Inline image 1

When I did the Fit for the Kingdom challenge in 2011, one of my FAVORITE mystery challenges was the "Be someone's angel" challenge and yet again, so many wonderful acts of service and love were shared. It's fun to read these on our week of focusing on the Savior, because we are being his hands, we are being like him and sharing our testimonies of him when we bless the lives of others. I love how different everyone's experiences were! And I really appreciate the thoughts and experiences you shared on meditation and your ah ha moments. THANK YOU FOR SHARING!!! This is so special to do this with you! Sorry I didn't email yesterday. I hope you are reading and learning about the Savior and preparing for Easter and general conference. What a great combo.

Here are your thoughts!

Week 8 Ah ha moments_

Sarah, Thank you for this opportunity to reflect on what is best, even though many things I do, can be good or better, my true focus needs to be best. I notice that some weeks are harder than others, but wanting the Holy Ghost to always be with me, requires the daily efforts of this "challenge". Thank you on so many levels!
- Cindy Sorenson

My second daughter, Katie, currently resides in Heaven. A few years ago prior to conference, I'd had some very bad mommy moments (and my oldest daughter continued to remind me of my bad behavior). Anyway, as I prepared for conference and even though I was feeling lousy about my week, I vowed to listen to the talks, but to also listen to the spirit in my behalf. Many insights came my way, but the one that meant the most to me was this thought that came so clearly to my mind, "Janet, Katie loves you!" This daughter died and will inherit the Celestial Kingdom. She already passed the test of this life. She must be one amazing souls and she loved me?!! It brought tears to my eyes. I knew she could "see" my imperfections more than anyone and yet she loved me anyway. It reminded me of the love the Savior has for me. He loves me (us) no matter what!!- Janet Seto

Thoughts on Meditation

I did not so well with the meditation challenge. My mind wandered and then I would fall asleep. I will keep trying.- Hillarie Miller

I received a helpful idea for the final Tree of Life project. I was meditating, or maybe more accurately, pondering about certain important things. I consider the idea inspiration. Mary Anne Koski

I enjoyed the three part series on the Mormon Channel about Christ-centered meditation. I listened to all three and enjoyed taking time to just clear my mind. I especially loved the second one that talked about giving our heart to the Savior so he can heal it. We have to take make the first step to be healed. He can invite but we must accept the invitation. Life's experiences just seem to take a toll on our hearts. He is the one who can make it whole again. I love the invitation in 3 Nephi 17:7 when the Savior asks if there is any "that are afflicted in any manner" to be brought to Him. I need to do more meditating. I have a hard time being still. However, I felt the benefit of doing it. –Lachell Hull

I tried once or twice, but found myself thinking too much! I tried to concentrate on the noise of the fan by me and that helped. I've never been good at meditating, but I learned a long time ago that I love quiet at times. This week I did drive around in quiet several times to just allow my ears a rest.- Jennie Blaser

So glad to be doing it again! When I was a school teacher, I would meditate about my class and invite the Savior to come in and interact with all the kids. It was amazing to see how he handled each and every one of them (so differently and individually). It made me a better teacher to treat them the way the Savior would. I hadn't done it in years though, and KNOW that there are benefits and enjoyed doing it this week! Janet Seto

What a blessing it was to meditate in the Salt Lake Temple Celestial Room. There is such great peace in the temple!- Sharilyn Wilson

It does help to draw in the peace and stillness and then the listening. It prepares the mind and heart to be more receptive to what the Lord wants us to hear.- Dan Brimhall

Experiences praying about and being an angel!

I had this seemingly small experience but I know it touched me and I think others too.
I shop for gas at a convenience store near my house all the time. One afternoon I went in and asked to use their restroom and both cashiers said someone had had an accident and they couldn't clean it. It bothered them both too much. I offered to try - they gave me gloves cleaner towels. I cleaned it. They were so thankful- one woman was just starting her shift and had been worried she would have to work all night with no facilities. I know it seems small and the act itself is minor. But the worry that was removed for her is big. And it took so little time and effort on my part. – Hillarie Miller

I loved this mystery challenge and prayed every day about it. Last Saturday night I took my mom and 2 daughters to the Women's broadcast. My mom is partial paralyzed and in constant pain so she really wanted to just stay home and watch it on tv. I knew she needed to get out so I pushed her to go. I thought we'd go to my stake center but at the last minute it worked out better to go to hers.
We were walking out after it was over and she ran into a friend from high school that she hasn't seen in 20 yrs! It was great for them to connect and get each other's phone numbers and cry together. – Jen Dille

I like how you put it Sarah--it did feel nice to know I was at his "Beck and call."  It helped me focus on others. On Thursday I did have a chance to do something that we'd all probably like to do more often.  I was able to dial 911 for a friend who yelled from inside her home, "Call 911, I need help!"  I had stopped at a woman's home for a weekly 10:00 a.m. visit to wrap her (swollen) legs.  It was unusual for the door to be locked, and when I heard her call for help--after I knocked--I figured she had probably fallen.  Because she is heavy, this would not be a good thing.  Soon the police, ambulance and firemen arrived. There was some atypical static noise in the background.  We could hear some of what she said, but not all.  The policewoman suggested cutting off power to the house so they could hear her give the code to her lock box.  They did this with success.  After entering and getting her onto her feet, she was, as you can imagine most grateful.  She had been incapacitated since midnight--that's ten hours!  She made a point to stay awake since she knew I'd be there at ten.  That had to be difficult in and of itself.  She had prayed and prayed for a miracle, something she has experienced multiple times in her life, but God chose not to answer her in her most desired way.  The female paramedic asked her to promise to always wear her GPS wrist band, which she did.  It was cute when my friend asked the firemen if good looks was a requirement for their job, because every fireman she has ever seen was handsome.  One of them said, “No, expertise first, then good looks.”  I could see an opportunity here.  Knowing she would hug them if she could (she was now settled in her recliner chair) I took the occasion to do it for her—three men and a woman.  I got my cake and ate it too!  Oh yes, the static sound was from the TV which had gone off at midnight.  Mary Anne Koski

Within one hour after I read the email that gave the mystery challenge, I received a text from a neighbor who asked me to call her. So I called her. When she answered the phone I could tell she was really upset about something. (We live in a county island area in NE Mesa and we both have chickens. We have compared notes about chickens and both share this hobby.) She said that she could not find her three chickens but only found piles of feathers. She was so upset about this because they are like pets to her and her family. I totally understand because all of ours have names and my kids play with our chickens. I went over to her house and we searched her whole back and side yards. Unfortunately, an animal had gotten to them and they were still on the property. She was beside herself. I felt so sad for her. She wanted her husband to come home from work because she was so distraught.  I told her I would help her clean up. We picked up the feather piles and the birds so her kids would not have to see them. We spent two hours together and I was grateful I was home that day to be an angel to my neighbor. (Originally I was supposed to be gone at that time helping my Grandma but my sister went to help her.) My neighbor is not of our faith and while we cleaned up we talked about other topics. She was so shocked that I would help her with such a unpleasant task. I was happy to be there for her.  – Lachelle Hull

My experience was small, and probably not too angelic. I offered to go to the store for a friend who has two small kids at home. I just remember what a chore it was to load up kids and drive to the store and unload them and keep track of them for just a few things. I was already going to the store, so it's not like it was that much more work for me, but I hope it helped her day go more smoothly.- Jennie Blaser

I watched my daughter be someone's angel this weekend. Madison was in a state archery tournament and took 4th place in state. We were so excited for her because she was in the top three out of 33 from her school as well. However, the scores and placements were wonderful, but watching her help her opponent was amazing. The girl standing next to her wasn't doing too well. Madison kept putting her arms around her, giving her a thumbs up, and telling her that if her arrows are shooting over the target, she needed to lower her aiming point. Her opponent followed Madison's advice and started doing better. Again, the points she earned were amazing, but watching her be an Angel to someone else, was what really made my heart happy! Janet Seto

I don't know that I was necessarily someones angel but I did help people. Some I knew were sad and having a hard time others I don't know if they were having a hard time but they seemed to enjoy the checking in on them.- Dan Brimhall

Whenever I pray to find someone I can serve, that prayer is always, ALWAYS answered. The greatest JOY comes through giving and loving as Christ does...CHARITY. I always thank Him for trusting me to be His hands in those situations, because there are other people whom He could send, but He trusted me. I never want to let Him down, and I always feel empowered through the knowledge that He trusts me and is with me. Loved the sacred, heaven sent moments I had this week to grow charity.- Spring Thibaudeau

The MYSTERY challenge for this week is to SHARE YOUR TESTIMONY of JESUS CHRIST! There are many different ways to do this. It could be just a few words in casual conversation, or some words or a picture on Facebook or with your children. Pray to know how and when and what to say. The Spirit will be so happy to help you!!!

YES! I love sharing my testimony.135.1%
Yes- I will do this but it's a little scary!52%
No. Just no.00%

How did the meditating impact your week?

Helped me find answers/guidance/peace41.6%
Helped me feel good because I forced myself to be still62.3%
Helped me feel close to Father in Heaven, the Savior, and the Holy Spirit.52%
Just one more thing to add to my huge "to do" list!00%
No real impact good or bad41.6%
Took extra time and effort but worth it114.3%
Didn't really try to meditate.31.2%

Are you feeling like you want to continue meditating more now that you have tried it?

YES! It needs to be part of my life.145.5%
NO! stillness is impossible for me to achieve00%
Not really, Stillness is overrated.00%
Not sure... Still thinking about it...41.6%

Will you continue praying to be an instrument in the Lord's hands?

YES! Lots of blessings to go around!187%
No- It's stressful to think about.. and do..00%
Not really sure.00%

Lots of love!

Week 8 SURVEY and Kick Off Week 9- Focus on the Savior!

Hello darling friends-

I really mean that. Each and every one of you are precious. I hope you know that and remember it every day. You are not just precious to me and all of your loved ones, but to that Father in Heaven who created your spirit and loves you more than you've ever loved anything or anyone in your life. I hope this challenge is helping you see that! I am seeing more than ever, the importance of living in that knowledge because if you don't you will be pulled towards other things, unhealthy things, to replace that solid, comforting feeling of KNOWING that you are a precious child of a Heavenly Father. You need to know where your value truly lies, so you don't try and find it in worldly places. You will never be truly satisfied or truly happy until you know who you are and feel that amazing love!

I hope you had some wonderful experiences praying to be someone's angel this week! I don't know if I was anyone's angel but I did find Hillarie's dogs' ball at the park she had lost the night before! Haha! And I know several of you were my angels this week with emails, notes in the mail and nice long talks in person. Thank you so so much! You truly were the Lord's hands carrying me through another difficult, yet truly beautiful and spiritual week. 5 points for all of you!!!! (I know you do it for more that points)! :) What would we do without earthy angels? I seriously don't even want to know... I am so glad there are so many who are willing to carry the light of Christ with them and share it with those they meet. Isn't that incredible how that happens? We each have our own light because we each have divine potential, and we combine that with the perfect light of Christ and become the tree for other's to feel his love. Wow. We aren't just the tree, so we are rooted in righteous principles and strength, but we can be a tree for others along the path and help them feel that love and light and peace when they need it most, in their trials. 

How was your week of mediation? I loved it and really enjoyed adding it to my daily routine. I hope to be able to do 10 minutes in the morning and evening like the woman in the video we shared suggested. I'm really glad that we worked on mediation in the week building up to our week focusing on the Savior, because it has a lot to do with what I'd like to start off talking about today. I first really learned about mediation and about literally taking our burdens to the Lord when Liza passed away. Camille showed me how healing and freeing it can be to visit someone we trust and love in our mind and find peace. I used that concept several times and in slightly different ways that year, and then more recently, this week, my friend, Dave Petersen, who is doing this challenge with us, shared an idea with me that I will share with you in a second. Today I taught this very important and slightly abstract (not really though) concept to the little primary children at church through words and songs. This is pretty much what I told them, though I might get more detailed with you...

Can Heavenly Father hear your prayers when you just think them in your head? Yes! Can Jesus? YES! If you are thinking about Jesus, does he know that you are thinking about him? YES! Ok. What did Jesus do in the garden? Suffered for our sins and felt all the sadness, anger, disappointment, grief, sickness, pain, fear... everything we would ever feel in this life, he felt it for each one of us, in addition to suffering the consequences of our sins and paying the price for them so we don't have to. Why did he feel all these things? To help us! Because he loves us. Did you ever get hurt, like fall and scrape your knee and your friend said, "Oh! That happened to me once. That hurts! Here's what I did to make it feel better..." Doesn't it feel nice to have a friend who knows what you are going through? YES! Doesn't it feel nice to know that they can help you feel better? Well, we have a friend like that and it's Jesus, and guess what else... He is a GOD! He has all power and can help us in amazing ways! What if we went to him in the garden, in our minds, and brought him our troubles and gave them to him so he could help us fix them, or even just take them away from us? (I had this picture of Christ praying in the Garden of Gethsemane in my hands). 

Inline image 1

Picture the garden, maybe some grass with some trees in the center and Christ is praying at the base of one of the trees. We can walk up to him and tell him of our struggle, maybe even kneel down beside him, lean on him, get a hug from him! Imagine we are taking that hurt out of our hearts (I acted like I was pulling a long string out of my chest) and set it on the tree (or altar) in front of him and ask him if he can take that pain for us and he will say YES! He loves us that much and that's why he is there in the first place, to help us be happy in this life and lift our burdens, or take them! At this point I reminded them of the story in the Book of Mormon of Alma the Younger, and how he had been very wicked and an angel stopped him on the road one day and how it made him so scared that he passed out and was unconscious for 3 days. During that time we know that he did a lot of repenting and was forgiven and saved by the Savior! But that whole time his body was just lying on a bed, but in his mind AND HEART he was visiting the savior and that was REAL!!!!! (you can read this story here Pretty incredible. (This actually reminds me of a great quote from Harry Potter, in the last book, when Harry dies momentarily and sees and visits with Dumbledore, who already died. Harry asks Dumbledore if this is real or if this is just in his head. And Dumbledore says, "Of course it's in your head Harry, but that doesn't mean it isn't real!" So true! Haha) I gave the children some more examples of things they can take to the Lord in the Garden and I told them of one idea that Dave gave me this week, which helped so much, was the idea of taking my son to the garden and turning him over to the Savior so the Savior can heal him and do amazing things with him, help him grow into a wonderful man,  that I could never do, and then I can have that peace of knowing he is in good hands, I have done so much to help him already and I will be inspired to help him in the future, but Christ is the one who saves, the one who heals. What a relief it was to do that on Tues. night and also remembering that I TRUST CHRIST with my son. Look what he did with me! He fixed me, saved me, molded me, taught me, carried me. Why do I doubt that he can do that for my son? Of course he can! It's time to let go and stop being a control freak (ok- I admit it!). Dave said that this brought him so much peace and literally helped him sleep at night again. He TRUSTED the Lord and then found peace. He said he also found this works with so many other struggles, big and small. This is grace, getting his help every day in every thing! Take it all to him. He has already been there and suffered so we don't need to feel like we are adding to his burden. The work is done! He is glad to help. It's his life's purpose... to save us everyday! I testify that it works. YES INDEED!! I could never have survived my sister's suicide without him lifting my burdens. I feel more peace about my son, my family and myself. I love him so much for it.

After this part of the lesson, the kids sang this song called "Gethsemane." It is one of the most beautiful, powerful and tender songs I have ever heard. This video of the song is especially powerful with the video they added to it. I especially love the angel coming to comfort the Savior. I want to be that angel. Please watch this...

Lastly- we need to leave the garden. After we have given him our burden, we can go on with life with new joy and peace. We can help and serve others on their journey. We can count all the amazing blessing that we have and choose to be grateful for all the goodness around us! GET GOING! Share the light! Teach others how to come to Christ. Enjoy nature. Spend time with our families doing things we love. Christ is with us in all of this and everything is going to be ok. He is up to the task. I just love him so much. I am grateful for the burdens that have brought me to the tree in the garden with the Savior because the relationship with him is worth it and the knowledge that he is there and he is "mighty to save" is an extremely valuable thing to have. I treasure it!

So this week- as we walk towards Easter Sunday (and conference) focus on the Savior and his precious, powerful atonement. Think about his love for you and what it really means. Think about the times he has already help you. Those memories will help you trust him with even bigger burdens. Study his life and his death and his resurrection.Try to be like him. These are all ways that we "come unto Christ"

I will send out more emails this week with stories and testimonies of the Savior. Read those and give yourself points for reading those too! 

Here is your SURVEY! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1EEoAccK1p0HYcGcFXwmjAKKmzZTBBgv1GYIvxwepXT4/viewform?c=0&w=1  I remembered to put the MYSTERY CHALLENGE in there this time! :)

Please fill it out tomorrow. 

Have a great week developing your relationship with and growing your testimonies of Jesus Christ, the Light and Life of the World. He is the tree. :)

Lots of love!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Some last thoughts on MEDITATION...

Hello friends!!! 

How are my darling friends? 

Monday we start our week focusing on Jesus Christ and then we end the week with Easter on Conference Sunday! I am so excited! There will be 8 hours of talks from the prophets of God about the most important things we need to know to BE HAPPY!! I hope you are all planning on tuning in. Meditate on what you need to know to feel God's love and to see yourself as He sees you and then listen for answers during conference next week. You probably have already come up with more specific questions to have in your heart and that is wonderful. You will find guidance.  It's going to be a beautiful weekend growing closer to the Savior, who IS the love of God. Who is the tree. :) 

You can watch all the talks online at  www.lds.org or on BYU TV if you have it with your provider. Direct TV carries them.

My good friend, Maralyn Nava shared this with me for this week. Thanks so much Maralyn! Let's finish out strong everyone. MAKE TIME to be still and give our Father access to you. He wants into your mind and heart and there has to be room. It is sooo worth it!

Here is what she shared: (I just love this!)

Between all our obligations—going to school, working, being a parent, and fulfilling Church callings—the business of life can be overwhelming. But in just 10-20 minutes a day, we can take up the Savior’s command to “Be still, and know that I am God.”

Does having “spiritual experiences” mean we are growing spiritually? How can we make lasting, transformative, Christ like changes in our personality and character?

Spirituality . . . is the consciousness of victory over self, and of communion with the Infinite.
In our worship there are two elements: One is the spiritual communion arising from our own meditation; the other, instruction from others. . . . Of the two, the more profitable . . . is the meditation. Meditation is one of the most secret, most sacred doors through which we pass into the presence of the Lord.

Ok- Happy Saturday!! Have a beautiful weekend and know that you are LOVED!!! Keep being angels!!

Lots of love!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

A story of... so many things.


How it the meditating going? Is it so hard to sit still in this crazy world?! Keep trying. It takes practice! I hope you are still praying to be an angel. Today is the four year anniversary of the day my son and I got to be angels and save an unconscious 29 year old man, Jeremy Tilby from a burning car. It was one of the greatest blessings of my life. Changed me (and him) forever. But we can be angels in so many ways! Not always so dramatic!! Haha! If you want to read that story on my blog, it is a great one! Here is the link. http://www.crawfordchronicle.blogspot.com/2011/03/saving-life.html There is another post right by that one with pictures of his burned out car. Called Jeremy's Miracle.

I am so grateful to call you friends. I truly hope that each one of you knows how much you mean to me, even if we haven't met face to face. You are so sweet to put up with me! :) I hope you are having some beautiful days but I worry that you are having some hard days too because the adversary is very aware of our efforts to be closer to our Father in Heaven and he wants to put a stop to it. Please hang in there. Don't let him win. I am not going to either.

I want to tell you of the miracle that happened to me last Friday as I was getting ready for my Women's Conference lesson for our stake. They asked me to give this particular lesson (bringing light and clarity into my life) about 3 or 4 weeks beforehand and the lesson title seemed perfectly in line with what I had already been working on with myself and then with you in this challenge, so I said YES! And I was excited! I LOVE TEACHING and I LOVE the women in our stake. It seemed like perfect timing too. So, I was really surprised as time grew nearer and nearer for my lesson that it just wasn't coming together. I was thinking and studying about it CONSTANTLY. I was researching light and truth and love and the Savior and the commandments and music and prayer and scriptures and and and... I couldn't make it all fit together in a nice, 30 minute talk. It just wasn't coming together with the Spirit like this challenge did, or like other talks and lessons I've given did. I had no idea where to start or end or where to focus except for GOD LOVES THEM! 

So as Saturday drew nearer my stomach got worse and my mind was "harrowed up" even though I had great friends trying to talk me down from the ledge! Haha! I just couldn't shake the worry because this was so important to me and to Heavenly Father. So, I RAN to my place of refuge, the temple on Friday morning even though I am SOOOO busy at work. There is no way I was going to try and give that lesson without getting some peace of mind. While driving there and while there I kept praying for some direction. For someone to even come to the temple and make me feel better somehow. For some kind of an idea of where to focus my lesson. While doing some ordinances I had a few moments to think and I was really having some words with myself. "If you really believe in God so much, like you say you do and like you are telling everyone all the time, then why are you so afraid? Do you trust him or don't you? Do you truly believe he exists or don't you?!! Of course you do! You could never deny it, so firm up your mind, kick the adversary out and just TRUST HIM!" I started feeling a little better after that. 

When I was done I went out to my car and try and talk through my lesson to see how long certain stories would take so I would have some idea how to time things. I had tried this several times during the week and once again it fell flat and felt so lame and like I had no time to really say what was in my heart. I turned off my timer on my phone in frustration. And just then a white car drove up and parked in the spot in front of my car, but over one spot. It was my dear friend and former bishop, Steve Budge (whose wife, Michelle, is doing this challenge!) He has known my husband forever and he was our bishop during some super hard years and I love and trust and respect him so much! He was my angel!! I rolled down my window and made sure he saw me as I called his name. A smile came to his face and he came over to see me. Of course I started crying as I told him of my impending talk and my inability, despite my best efforts, to write out something that felt right. He said he knew exactly how I felt and that same thing had happened to him when he first was called as bishop of our ward. He was asked to speak in stake conference and studied and wrote and prayed but nothing was coming together for his talk. So, he knew that he had done his part and he got up there in front of HUNDREDS of people and the Spirit took over and the talk was just what God wanted it to be! I knew that was my answer to my prayer! So bishop told me to just get up there and TRUST that I had done all the work and the Spirit would take over and my job was just to help them feel God's love! I am forever grateful to my friend, Steve, for being the kind of person who is where they need to be at the perfect moment to answer the prayers of his friend! And to Heavenly Father for sending him to me!

The rest of the day was so great! I finally got some peace of mind, even though I was still excited about the next day. The next morning was so beautiful. I just kept thinking about how sweet my Father in Heaven was to answer my prayer with the perfect person and the perfect advice and how many times he has answered my prayers throughout my life. I was just overcome all morning and couldn't stop crying and so I didn't wear any make up to go teach in front of all those beautiful ladies! It was kinda fun! So...even though I still didn't know exactly what that my lesson was going to look like, (I didn't even bring my power point presentation that I had spend HOURS on), after a minute or two of unsureness in my first class (i taught it three times) I just started telling the stories of the 3 major times I felt God's love for me and I moved down that path towards the tree of life. IT WORKED!! He didn't let me down or leave me alone up there! I never even looked at my notes. I was just me and my heavenly dream team. The Spirit was strong and He just guided my thoughts and words to the next story and what I learned from it. The lesson was slightly different each time and I know there were certain things that I shared with certain groups that were needed for that group, which is probably why he didn't want me boxing myself in with notes. WOW! It was a so special. I was so blessed to be able to share with these women how the guidance of the Holy Ghost, the Savior's atonement and our Heavenly Father's love saved me in my life and helped me down my crazy path. It was so great to be an instrument in his hands and let them all know that they are loved too and they can find the help they need in so many different ways. The love and tears and hugs and kind notes I received from many women afterwards made it all even more special! Some of you might be thinking, yes, this happens all the time when I give talks, and I've felt the spirit guide me in talks and lessons and I shouldn't have been so scared, but what is neat is that even though I should have just been able to talk myself into being brave, Heavenly Father knew I needed the extra confidence and sent me Bishop Budge! Now I know I can do really hard and scary things but most importantly I know that I can use my faith, and turn it into ACTION! What a great thing to really test out and do! It's a lesson I need to learn and I learned that I can. 

We all can. That's what is so important. Miracles are ours to be had! We just keep asking, keeping taking steps toward the tree. That's one thing that I learned with my studying these last few weeks is that even when I was really far from the tree and not reading my scriptures and hurting myself with my eating disorder (
​and was generally a total mess), He STILL found me. There was still enough light for him to shine it on me and help me take the next step. So glad he found me! So glad all of you are taking this journey with me. Tomorrow, or soon I want to share with you my favorite story from my lesson that was the last piece of the puzzle in inspiring this challenge. But for now, I'll let you go! 

I love you so much. Be strong. Be a tree. Be rooted in your faith in Christ and act in that faith. He will NOT fail you!!
Psalms 1:43-4

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
3. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.

Here I am after teaching the class. No eye make up this day! Notice my shirt with the trees. There is even a girl in the middle tree! I bought this shirt just a few months before Liza died. Pretty special! And I'm wearing three tree necklaces. Two given to me by sweet friends doing this challenge with us and one I bought in Seattle from a girl, who reminded me of Liza, and later I realized it was the three year anniversary of the last day I saw her alive (Dec. 30th). My power outfit for sure!

Lots of love!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Week 7 RESULTS and Link to Meditation Video


Alrighty... 20 of you filled out the survey! I know there are many more watching and reading and I hope that all of you are getting something out of this. Great job to all for sticking with it and thank you for sharing your testimonies and ideas with us! I am loving the comments and "ah ha" moments today! Your words (testimonies) really touched my heart and I am so grateful that I get to learn from you. I think that's my favorite thing about this is sharing with each other. Feels like ZION to me. One heart. One mind. Heavenly!

Has anyone tried meditation yet this week? Here is a link to a wonderful Christ-Centered Meditation video on the Mormon Channel. Thanks Janet Seto for sending me this. I seriously can't wait to try this!

Remember to pray this week to be the answer to someone's prayer. We need each other, and the Lord needs us to help his children get to the tree! Being his instrument will shed much light into your life as well. Like you need me to tell you that! You already know this!! Hahah!

Ok- Here are your lovely comments and thoughts. Thanks again for sharing yourself with with group. I am seriously touched.

Week 7 Ah ha moments:

It's AMAZING what I can hear from Heaven when I take the time & make the effort to truly listen. I've had a particularly stressful couple of weeks, so I'm grateful for this challenge that helps me strive daily to be 'in tune' to the peace, comfort and personal revelation from the Holy Spirit. – Janell DeWitt

My friend sent this my way this week and it gave me a new perspective on the first miracle that Jesus performed. So sweet and touching!

Mary (the mother of Christ) is in attendance at a wedding and Jesus is "called" to the wedding, along with his disciples.
At some point, the celebratory wine runs out and Mary is concerned about the unfortunate situation. So she does what any resourceful mother would do. She turns to the one person in attendance with the ability to fix the problem; her son, Jesus Christ. He then performs His first miracle by turning water into wine. (And the best wine of the evening, according to the amazed ruler of the feast.) What a thoughtful wedding gift!

I love this story for two reasons:

1. The recipient of the miracle: Christ performed His first miracle as a favor to His mother. She clearly recognized His power and showed great faith and trust in Him as He had not yet performed any miracles. Mary's faith in Her son inspires me, while Christ's gift to His mother leaves me smiling at His attentiveness to her interests.

2. The scale of the miracle: The first miracle Christ performed was not one of life and death. It was one of simplicity, graciousness and kindness. It teaches us that our Savior isn't just willing to listen to our pleas for critical needs, he cares about how we feel about smaller and relatively trivial things (like the availability of drinks at a wedding). Our comfort is His concern. It's a reminder that we can call on Him, through prayer, about all that burdens our hearts and minds.

This is the video that portrays the precious bond that Jesus has with his mother. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did:

https://www.lds.org/bible-videos/videos/jesus-turns-water-into-wine?lang=eng  - Janet Seto

Thoughts on the Scripture Challenge:

I began my scripture study with a prayer and basically told Heavenly Father that I was ready to hear what He was ready to tell me... and boy, did He "talk!"  I often read the scriptures and receive personal revelation, but this week was much more revelatory than normal. I'm sure it was because I went in with the purpose of "hearing."- Janell DeWitt

I was reading the actual writings of Mormon near the end of the Book of Mormon. It was fascinating to remember these were his actual feelings and things he experienced, not previous stories he was abridging. He had so much compassion and sorrow for the people even though they were so wicked. He had cared about us who would read his writings to not burden is with the full account of their wickedness. (Mormon 5:8-9) I have enjoyed "imagining" I was sitting with Mormon and him telling me first hand his life history.- Lachelle Hull

Not gonna lie - I soooo struggle reading the scriptures but I'm trying.  Kathy Richards shared an insight to watch the BYUTV channel between 5:00-7:00am & learn with the round table discussions well I'm sooo NOT a early AM person but I am going to try listening more to the scriptures audio style & see if that helps.  Thanks Kathy for the inspiration.- Tava Udall

I read them out loud.  Interesting.  – Hillarie Miller

In my early years, I wasn't a reader. You would never find me reading anything for fun, I was the outdoorsy, athletic type. I was a daydreamer and had a hard time focusing for any length of time. My teachers told me that I had ants in my pants. whenever I was sitting, you'd always see one or both legs swinging back and forth, probably still do. So, back then, I thought the scriptures were boring, because I never focused long enough to dive in, dig, and feast. It takes time, dedication, and lots of repetition to unlock the language of the scriptures. The Lord placed special people in my path who shared their testimony of scripture power. I noticed that a certain sister in the ward always had the most amazing comments that hit me so powerfully. I also noticed that she shared scriptures that she had read during the week, and they always seemed to apply so perfectly to the topic on hand. That taught me that the scriptures were something to treasure. My soul hungered for that same knowledge and testimony. Because of my weakness with my wandering, unfocused mind, I had to be regimented as I set goals in my quest to love the scriptures. I told myself I would read 10 pages a day for a year. At the beginning, it was like taking medicine. I knew it would be good for me, even though I was not yet enjoying the taste, nor seeing the immediate benefit. Miracles took place in my life over that year, the scriptures became delicious to me, and I felt empowered by a greater closeness to my Heavenly Father and Savior. Feasting on the scriptures completely changed me, it healed me in many ways. I experienced hidden treasures of knowledge flowing into my life, and weakness turned into strength. Reading and searching for knowledge has become a favorite hobby, and focusing, no longer an issue. I truly stand all amazed. I testify that the scriptures are of great worth. We need to search the ancient prophets, just as we need the living. the scriptures contain LIVING!, HEALING! waters.- Spring Thibaudea

What I loved most this week was watching The Life of Jesus Christ Bible Videos and then reading the scriptures that went along with them. It really strengthened my testimony of the Savior.- Janet Seto

I used an app called Citation Index for my scripture study this week. It is a reference that lists conference talks by the scriptures they reference. I didn't get FAR in my scriptures, but I dug deep and and it was truly a blessing for me.- Rani Halliday

The very first day after reading the new challenge, I decided to really apply the principles you suggested. Just before I opened my scriptures I had been pondering a particular problem I am having. I had planned to read Jacob 5 (the chapter you mentioned in your email) but instead my eye caught another page - Alma 46. I wanted to read about Captain Moroni. As soon as I started reading it was like Heavenly Father was answering my question. I was amazed and felt so grateful!- Camille Smith

I really enjoyed reading in 3 Nephi and reflecting on the beautiful experience the Nephites had having Christ teach them, heal them, and love them.- Cindy Sorensen

I love love love the scriptures!!! – Jennie Blaser

Thoughts on the Art Challenge:

I heard a Kristin Andreassen song during a movie preview that quickly became my new fave! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EELEjeYzfjM)
It is not about "masterpiece" art, but it IS applicable to me. It makes me want to dance & think of my sweet 3-year-old daughter. Crayola doesn't make a color for her eyes. –Janell DeWitt

March 2015 Ensign has some beautiful paintings. I love the one called "Agony in the Garden" on page 5. The Savior's eyes are so intense. I also like the painting on page 58 of Nephi with the fruit The tree of life. My 12-year-old daughter commented, "Why would you not want to eat that fruit? It looks so delicious!" I liked that this picture goes right along with our challenge. We all need to know if God's love for us. The last picture I liked was on page 63. It's such a beautiful and real depiction of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies bearing their weapons of war deep in the ground. It's a reminder that we all have things we need to bury and then move on the better things in life. – Lachelle Hull

I love Art that speaks to me, photographs or Artist renditions of Photographs. Grateful for Sandy introducing me to Megan Riker she's amazing & I loved the slideshows/video at Women's Conf this past Saturday - inspired me to want to do a wall in my home of all the beautiful pictures of Christ & his life (probably won't ever get to it) but truly moved by the artistry that is weaved into our lives if we just take the time to look for it.  Beautiful!!- Tava Udall

Through a wonderful connection I was able to view a personal home collection.  Amazing- Hillarie Miller

I loved this challenge! I decided to go to Deseret Book and look at the art there on the wall. I even took pictures of my favorite ones and showed my family that night.- Camille Smith

I am not an artist, but I am so grateful for those who are and can create beautiful works of art. There is so much beauty in this world and it is wonderful to see how some can capture the beauty with their own style.- Cindy Sorensen

How did the scripture reading impact your week?

Helped me find answers/guidance93.8%
Helped me feel good because I was doing something I knew I should be doing!83.4%
Helped me feel close to Father in Heaven145.9%
Just made me more busy00%
No real impact good or bad10.4%
Took extra time and effort but worth it41.7%
Didn't really focus on them.10.4%

Are you feeling like you have more energy now that you are eating healthier?

It's the same52.1%
Not eating healthier10.4%

Has the exercising improved your physical and/or emotional state?

It's the same31.3%
Not really exercising20.8%

Would any of you consider running the Tree of Life Challenge with your friends after we are done and try and spread this idea, and God's love around? Just think about it...

Yes. I'll consider the idea62.5%
No- you are crazy!31.3%