Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Week 7 RESULTS and Link to Meditation Video


Alrighty... 20 of you filled out the survey! I know there are many more watching and reading and I hope that all of you are getting something out of this. Great job to all for sticking with it and thank you for sharing your testimonies and ideas with us! I am loving the comments and "ah ha" moments today! Your words (testimonies) really touched my heart and I am so grateful that I get to learn from you. I think that's my favorite thing about this is sharing with each other. Feels like ZION to me. One heart. One mind. Heavenly!

Has anyone tried meditation yet this week? Here is a link to a wonderful Christ-Centered Meditation video on the Mormon Channel. Thanks Janet Seto for sending me this. I seriously can't wait to try this!

Remember to pray this week to be the answer to someone's prayer. We need each other, and the Lord needs us to help his children get to the tree! Being his instrument will shed much light into your life as well. Like you need me to tell you that! You already know this!! Hahah!

Ok- Here are your lovely comments and thoughts. Thanks again for sharing yourself with with group. I am seriously touched.

Week 7 Ah ha moments:

It's AMAZING what I can hear from Heaven when I take the time & make the effort to truly listen. I've had a particularly stressful couple of weeks, so I'm grateful for this challenge that helps me strive daily to be 'in tune' to the peace, comfort and personal revelation from the Holy Spirit. – Janell DeWitt

My friend sent this my way this week and it gave me a new perspective on the first miracle that Jesus performed. So sweet and touching!

Mary (the mother of Christ) is in attendance at a wedding and Jesus is "called" to the wedding, along with his disciples.
At some point, the celebratory wine runs out and Mary is concerned about the unfortunate situation. So she does what any resourceful mother would do. She turns to the one person in attendance with the ability to fix the problem; her son, Jesus Christ. He then performs His first miracle by turning water into wine. (And the best wine of the evening, according to the amazed ruler of the feast.) What a thoughtful wedding gift!

I love this story for two reasons:

1. The recipient of the miracle: Christ performed His first miracle as a favor to His mother. She clearly recognized His power and showed great faith and trust in Him as He had not yet performed any miracles. Mary's faith in Her son inspires me, while Christ's gift to His mother leaves me smiling at His attentiveness to her interests.

2. The scale of the miracle: The first miracle Christ performed was not one of life and death. It was one of simplicity, graciousness and kindness. It teaches us that our Savior isn't just willing to listen to our pleas for critical needs, he cares about how we feel about smaller and relatively trivial things (like the availability of drinks at a wedding). Our comfort is His concern. It's a reminder that we can call on Him, through prayer, about all that burdens our hearts and minds.

This is the video that portrays the precious bond that Jesus has with his mother. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did:

https://www.lds.org/bible-videos/videos/jesus-turns-water-into-wine?lang=eng  - Janet Seto

Thoughts on the Scripture Challenge:

I began my scripture study with a prayer and basically told Heavenly Father that I was ready to hear what He was ready to tell me... and boy, did He "talk!"  I often read the scriptures and receive personal revelation, but this week was much more revelatory than normal. I'm sure it was because I went in with the purpose of "hearing."- Janell DeWitt

I was reading the actual writings of Mormon near the end of the Book of Mormon. It was fascinating to remember these were his actual feelings and things he experienced, not previous stories he was abridging. He had so much compassion and sorrow for the people even though they were so wicked. He had cared about us who would read his writings to not burden is with the full account of their wickedness. (Mormon 5:8-9) I have enjoyed "imagining" I was sitting with Mormon and him telling me first hand his life history.- Lachelle Hull

Not gonna lie - I soooo struggle reading the scriptures but I'm trying.  Kathy Richards shared an insight to watch the BYUTV channel between 5:00-7:00am & learn with the round table discussions well I'm sooo NOT a early AM person but I am going to try listening more to the scriptures audio style & see if that helps.  Thanks Kathy for the inspiration.- Tava Udall

I read them out loud.  Interesting.  – Hillarie Miller

In my early years, I wasn't a reader. You would never find me reading anything for fun, I was the outdoorsy, athletic type. I was a daydreamer and had a hard time focusing for any length of time. My teachers told me that I had ants in my pants. whenever I was sitting, you'd always see one or both legs swinging back and forth, probably still do. So, back then, I thought the scriptures were boring, because I never focused long enough to dive in, dig, and feast. It takes time, dedication, and lots of repetition to unlock the language of the scriptures. The Lord placed special people in my path who shared their testimony of scripture power. I noticed that a certain sister in the ward always had the most amazing comments that hit me so powerfully. I also noticed that she shared scriptures that she had read during the week, and they always seemed to apply so perfectly to the topic on hand. That taught me that the scriptures were something to treasure. My soul hungered for that same knowledge and testimony. Because of my weakness with my wandering, unfocused mind, I had to be regimented as I set goals in my quest to love the scriptures. I told myself I would read 10 pages a day for a year. At the beginning, it was like taking medicine. I knew it would be good for me, even though I was not yet enjoying the taste, nor seeing the immediate benefit. Miracles took place in my life over that year, the scriptures became delicious to me, and I felt empowered by a greater closeness to my Heavenly Father and Savior. Feasting on the scriptures completely changed me, it healed me in many ways. I experienced hidden treasures of knowledge flowing into my life, and weakness turned into strength. Reading and searching for knowledge has become a favorite hobby, and focusing, no longer an issue. I truly stand all amazed. I testify that the scriptures are of great worth. We need to search the ancient prophets, just as we need the living. the scriptures contain LIVING!, HEALING! waters.- Spring Thibaudea

What I loved most this week was watching The Life of Jesus Christ Bible Videos and then reading the scriptures that went along with them. It really strengthened my testimony of the Savior.- Janet Seto

I used an app called Citation Index for my scripture study this week. It is a reference that lists conference talks by the scriptures they reference. I didn't get FAR in my scriptures, but I dug deep and and it was truly a blessing for me.- Rani Halliday

The very first day after reading the new challenge, I decided to really apply the principles you suggested. Just before I opened my scriptures I had been pondering a particular problem I am having. I had planned to read Jacob 5 (the chapter you mentioned in your email) but instead my eye caught another page - Alma 46. I wanted to read about Captain Moroni. As soon as I started reading it was like Heavenly Father was answering my question. I was amazed and felt so grateful!- Camille Smith

I really enjoyed reading in 3 Nephi and reflecting on the beautiful experience the Nephites had having Christ teach them, heal them, and love them.- Cindy Sorensen

I love love love the scriptures!!! – Jennie Blaser

Thoughts on the Art Challenge:

I heard a Kristin Andreassen song during a movie preview that quickly became my new fave! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EELEjeYzfjM)
It is not about "masterpiece" art, but it IS applicable to me. It makes me want to dance & think of my sweet 3-year-old daughter. Crayola doesn't make a color for her eyes. –Janell DeWitt

March 2015 Ensign has some beautiful paintings. I love the one called "Agony in the Garden" on page 5. The Savior's eyes are so intense. I also like the painting on page 58 of Nephi with the fruit The tree of life. My 12-year-old daughter commented, "Why would you not want to eat that fruit? It looks so delicious!" I liked that this picture goes right along with our challenge. We all need to know if God's love for us. The last picture I liked was on page 63. It's such a beautiful and real depiction of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies bearing their weapons of war deep in the ground. It's a reminder that we all have things we need to bury and then move on the better things in life. – Lachelle Hull

I love Art that speaks to me, photographs or Artist renditions of Photographs. Grateful for Sandy introducing me to Megan Riker she's amazing & I loved the slideshows/video at Women's Conf this past Saturday - inspired me to want to do a wall in my home of all the beautiful pictures of Christ & his life (probably won't ever get to it) but truly moved by the artistry that is weaved into our lives if we just take the time to look for it.  Beautiful!!- Tava Udall

Through a wonderful connection I was able to view a personal home collection.  Amazing- Hillarie Miller

I loved this challenge! I decided to go to Deseret Book and look at the art there on the wall. I even took pictures of my favorite ones and showed my family that night.- Camille Smith

I am not an artist, but I am so grateful for those who are and can create beautiful works of art. There is so much beauty in this world and it is wonderful to see how some can capture the beauty with their own style.- Cindy Sorensen

How did the scripture reading impact your week?

Helped me find answers/guidance93.8%
Helped me feel good because I was doing something I knew I should be doing!83.4%
Helped me feel close to Father in Heaven145.9%
Just made me more busy00%
No real impact good or bad10.4%
Took extra time and effort but worth it41.7%
Didn't really focus on them.10.4%

Are you feeling like you have more energy now that you are eating healthier?

It's the same52.1%
Not eating healthier10.4%

Has the exercising improved your physical and/or emotional state?

It's the same31.3%
Not really exercising20.8%

Would any of you consider running the Tree of Life Challenge with your friends after we are done and try and spread this idea, and God's love around? Just think about it...

Yes. I'll consider the idea62.5%
No- you are crazy!31.3%

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