Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Welcome to the new Tree of Life Challenge!

Tree of Life Challenge

WHY am I starting this challenge?  I have had some heavy duty trials in my life and I have overcome them in different ways, but the key ingredient always was my relationship with my Heavenly Father and feeling His love for me, and the Savior’s love too, and all of this through the Holy Ghost, who loves us just as much! But even with all that I have learned… current heart-wrenching challenges, had really shaken my faith in myself as a valuable, and important person. I had lost the peace I once had. I was just a bundle of worries and tears and felt like a failure. Ouch! A dear friend, and counselor, of mine made a life altering and inspired suggestion, that I pray all day, every day, to God that I might see myself the way He sees me, that I might see who I truly am and how much He loves me. That prayer started me on an amazing, healing path that led me to remember who I was and that I am SO LOVED! I am unique and important even though I’m not perfect. He is aware of me and has heard my prayers and I am being watched over and cared for. WOW! Phew! Everyone needs to feel this way and know these things! So, He inspired this new challenge, so YOU can feel his love too, even if you already do, we all can always use more love, peace and joy!

When you look at the challenges below, know that the ideas behind most of them come from my experience with my current trials, and others that I have overcome, and from the teachings of Jesus Christ. I know that whether we are enduring a trial right now, or not, we will all have them and the strength we have from knowing we are God’s beloved children can be the key to surviving them and even turning them into blessings. Even when life is good, it can be even greater when we know who we REALLY are. When we look in a mirror and see who God sees, it changes everything! And when we feel His love, it is like we have reached the TREE OF LIFE in Lehi’s vision and are eating that “desirable fruit to make one happy.”

Your path will not look exactly like mine, because you are YOU and in the end it might not have anything to do with these challenges exactly but I hope something we do along the way will change your life for the better and that you will know how amazing you are right now. It’s true! Even before we start I know that you are adored by your Father in Heaven, and His Son who died for you and I hope you can discover that (again even) for yourself, in your own way, and I hope that when you do arrive at the tree you can say, “And as I partook of the fruit thereof it filled my soul with exceedingly great joy…” (1st Nephi 8:12)  I know you can and I hope you will join us!

Daily Challenges: (worth 1 point each day accomplished, except exercise- give yourself 2 points for each time you workout with a max of 6 points a week, even if you work out more than that) These 4 challenges are all important because the physical and spiritual are very connected and will help you feel the Spirit and God’s love!
-       Pray morning and night (include “help me see myself the way You see me”)
-       Read scriptures daily (start with Lehi’s vision, then go where you are led)
-       Exercise 3x each week
-       Eat healthier (pick one way that you can improve your diet. Less sugar? More water? No more soda?)

Mystery Challenge: (worth 5 points each week)
-       Each Sunday I will give you a new mystery challenge for the upcoming week. It might be big or small, but it will be awesome! Once you’ve done it, give yourself 5 points and a pat on the back.

Weekly rotating challenge (worth 1 point for each day you work on it. MUCH more information will come to you each week about the upcoming challenge for that week)

1.     Focus on Prayers- This is the most important part to this whole challenge! Our main prayer for this challenge is to see yourself the way God sees you, which will help you feel his love more abundantly!

2.     Turn off the noise.. . declutter your life!  We want the Sprit to be able to share Where are you focusing your time and energy? Can the Spirit find you to share God’s love with you?

3.    Feel his love by remembering who you are. Look through old pictures, journals, scrapbooks, boxes, notes, letters home. Walk down memory lane with family members. Start saving these special items for art project.

4.     Feel his love through nature. Spend some time each day outside with the sun on your face. Go on walks, bike rides, runs, and be looking for your favorite trees fun or to incorporate into final art project.  (we will get creative ideas going on this for people not blessed to live in warm places like Arizona!)

5.     Discover yourself by looking to those who came before you. What different personalities, strengths, weaknesses, talents, or tendencies did you inherit from who? Who do you have watching over you and your family? Or you can study the lives of famous people (or regular folks) that you admire whose attributes you have emulated or want to emulate.

6.     Feel God’s love through music. Listen to something beautiful every day! Turn off the TV in the background! Turn off talk radio (ouch!)

7.    Focus on Scriptures- This week we are going to read at least 30 minutes a day to really get a better dose of God’s word in our life. We are going to look at scriptures in a new light and see if we can get more out of our study.

8.     Focus on Meditation. Spend at least 5, 10 or 15 min. in quiet meditation. Picture yourself with the Savior.

9.     Focus on the Savior. The atonement. Grace. The power that it can be in your life every day. FORGIVE YOURSELF!

10. Focus on journal writing. Write more than a few sentences. What are the scriptures? They are journals! Where would we be now if people hadn’t written things down? What have you learned from this journey so far?

11. Gather your supplies for art project. Really gear up and even start creating your own TREE OF LIFE!! This can be done a million different ways! Draw, paint, collage, sew, bake, paper machete,  photography, write a poem about, describe with words, plant one in your garden…

12. CREATE your own Tree of Life and SHARE (if you want). Think of ways to include what you have learned on your 12 week journey. Maybe the branches or leaves or fruit can represent truths you have learned about yourself, or different ways that you have felt God’s love for you, or the people that have helped make you you. BE CREATIVE! There is no wrong answer here!

How The Challenge Works

POINTS- Starting on Feb. 2nd you will be working on the four daily challenges and the one weekly rotating challenge each day. During that week you will also accomplish the mystery challenge. You will total up the points earned each day to get a weekly total  (there are NO cheat days and NO bonus points in this challenge). So, if you’ve been counting, there are 27 points possible in the daily challenges, 5 points from the mystery challenge, and 7 points from the rotating challenge for that week, for a total of 39 points each week.

REPORTING- On Sunday evenings I will send you an email with a LOT of encouragement, and information for the next week, and most importantly, a survey. Follow the link to the survey and answer the questions. One question will be “How many points did you earn this week?” There will be other questions about how things are going and an opportunity to share your thoughts, questions etc. with me and possibly the group.

RESULTS- On Tuesday I will share the results of the survey (and more info and thoughts and encouragement) with the group, however, for this challenge, because it is a highly personal, introspective challenge, I am NOT going to share your points with the group or do rankings or anything. The points are just for you to keep track of your effort, and sharing them with me will help you feel accountable. I hope you like this new way of doing it.  If you are taking the challenge with your family or group of friends and want to compare with each other, then GO FOR IT!

THE BLOG and FACEBOOK- I will be updating the blog ( with information, thoughts, inspiration, art, photos, and help. When I update it I will usually send you an email and/or post on our facebook group. PLEASE JOIN “Tree of Life Challenge” group on facebook then we can really cheer each other on! I love to hear how things are going and what you are doing.

CHEERLEADERS NEEDED- One really fun aspect of the challenge is learning from each other. So, please email me and let me know if there is a weekly rotating challenge that speaks to you, that you can help me with. You could write up information about and/or your own thoughts on the importance of that particular area (scriptures, prayer, music, meditation, reflection about self, nature,  Christ and the atonement, art, journaling, decluttering, ancestors, etc.) I could REALLY REALLY use your help and the group would love to hear from people besides me! Thank you!

I love you, I am happy you made it to the end of this long letter and I hope you will try this new adventure with us!

Call, text or email me anytime and let me know if you will join us! Invite friends! Any age, all faiths and sexes!

Lots of love (I mean that)-
Sarah Crawford


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