Monday, February 2, 2015

Happy Groundhog Day!

Hello there! I guess Phil, the groundhog, says we'll have 6 more weeks of winter but it feels like spring is coming with all the love in the air around here! 

How are things going so far? I have heard some great conversations on Facebook about Lehi's dream. I love how Jennie Blaser pointed out that Lehi had wandered lost in the darkness for hours but as soon as he prayed, he was shown the tree of life. God is so good to us. We don't need to wait to pray, we can start right now. NO matter who we are or where we are on our path! Sharon Buckley shared a beautiful thought and picture she made. I will attach it to this email. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and creativity. Also... Janell DeWitt made a cool new tracking sheet that you can  use for each week. She has the weekly rotating challenge and mystery challenge on there to help you remember each day what you are working on. She is so talented and I appreciate her going the extra mile!

One thought- There is a big jerk out there who does not want you to do this challenge. The last thing satan wants is for you to feel God's love and to see yourself in God's eyes and fulfill your potential on earth! He is going to try and block your path with anything he can think of, make you feel frustrated, discouraged, or just tired. Please recognize his traps for what they are and reject him!! You can pray to be protected from his influence and his temptations. He is no match for you and the Lord. You are strong and you can do hard things!

Alright... go forth and conquer!

Lots of love!

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