You have really brightened up my day and the lives of countless others with your smiles, and hello's and conversations with total strangers! I wonder if any of them talked about you at dinner or carried that smile in their heart all day. I can't wait for you to read each others' responses! Also- GREAT work with the decluttering! I love how everyone made that challenge their own and worked on what they needed most. We got rid of physical junk, emotional junk, virtual junk and let lots of love and sunshine in their place! This is exactly what this challenge was supposed to do and I think it's pretty cool how the weekly challenge and the mystery worked together this week too! :)
One fun thing I noticed as I was working on things yesterday... When I was putting together the final list of which order we would do the challenges (and had my sisters look it over), I wasn't looking at a calendar or anything, just trying to put them in an order that flowed well, where they built on each other and where we would have harder and easier weeks balance each other out. Well, it just so happens that the week that I chose to be the week we focus on Jesus Christ and the atonement (the MOST important aspect of the challenge) ENDS ON EASTER SUNDAY!! How super special is that? Heavenly Father loves us and he wants us to focus on the Savior that week for sure! I can't wait! God is love!
So... This week there were 47 of you that answered the survey! YAY! Some joined in who missed last week, and we lost a few but I hope they are following along and will still come back and fill out the survey, or just enjoy the emails and be inspired to make whatever changes they need. BUT- THANK YOU for sharing with us, and great job on a very productive week!
We have 4 people with 40's this week and 3 with perfect 80's! Does that mean they are perfect?!! Hardly! Hahaha! Great job you guys! I have noticed something interesting in the surveys, those who say they are putting forth the biggest effort are those who are feeling the biggest benefit and vice versa. I hope if you are struggling you will take a little faith from those who are trying harder and you will see that a little more effort brings forth a LOT more blessings and we all need blessings! You can do hard things (and this week's challenges are both pretty darn fun).
Will you please write down some stories you are learning about yourself, or take a picture of some fun old pictures you are finding of yourself and email them to me so I can share them with the group later this week or next week? That would be sooo fun!!
HERE ARE YOUR COOL RESULTS! ...below those I will be some of your responses and I'll send more out later in the week (hopefully with your baby picture or stories...send them in!!)
Which challenge was hardest for you this last week?
Praying twice daily | 10 | 10% |
Scripture reading daily | 17 | 17% |
Exercise 3x weekly | 29 | 29% |
Eating healthier | 23 | 23% |
Rotating challenge (Declutter your life) | 14 | 14% |
Which challenge had the most positive influence on you this week?
Prayer | 33 | 33% |
Scripture | 19 | 19% |
Exercise | 8 | 8% |
Eating Healthy | 5 | 5% |
Rotating Challenge (declutter your life) | 14 | 14% |
Mystery Challenge (Be nice to strangers) | 9 | 9% |
How much effort did you put into the challenge this week?
5- I was ON FIRE this week! | 2 | 2% |
4- Maybe not on fire, but definitely SMOKIN! | 17 | 17% |
3- Did ok but I am still motivated to push on! | 24 | 24% |
2- Not a great week. Hopefully next week is better. | 6 | 6% |
1- Cant. get. going. | 0 | 0% |
How did the "Decluttering" go?
I decluttered so much, I can't find my house! | 0 | 0% |
I got rid of some excess baggage! YES! | 16 | 16% |
I have more time on my hands now! | 11 | 11% |
It was really hard to say goodbye to the things I got rid of | 0 | 0% |
I'm so glad I did it! | 15 | 15% |
It didn't really make my life feel any different | 1 | 1% |
I took a first step, and that is good for now. | 12 | 12% |
I'm so glad this week is over! I'm re-cluttering my life this week! | 0 | 0% |
Thoughts on Declutter your life!
I am still in the process of unpacking after a very intense life change and I feel as if I am still in transition. The place I found myself de cluttering was my pantry/refrigerator although there wasn't much to begin with. I am in a rebuilding place in my life and I am not in the emotional space that has allowed me to let go yet. I feel that the move forced a letting go and I find myself still grasping. So this was a very tough week. – Hillarie Miller
I still have quite a bit to work on! One step at a time... – Kari VanNoy
I was able to get my family involved. We've gone thru closets, the garage, even our shed out back! We decided to have a garage sale next weekend! Thanks for the motivation to rid my home of clutter! It feels good to "let go" of this stuff!- Maralyn Nava
Gave stuff to other people who need it more.- Angie Clouse
My desk - everything ends up on my desk. I think that's the point where everything - time & space, dreams & desires, callings & assignments, the physical and spiritual worlds of my life all collide. In other words it’s the crossroads of life. So decluttering it took a lot longer that I expected because it effected every aspect of my life. I didn't complete the job yet, but got well over 85% of it handled - the last 15% is the toughest part and it will take a special time allotment in order to complete this one task. – Dave Petersen
I'm reading the book, the life-changing magic of tidying up: the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing by Marie Kondo. Instead of focusing on things you want to get rid of, she encourages you to focus on the things you want to keep. She also recommends organizing by category. So this week I took every last item out of my closet and laid it on the floor. As Marie suggests, I asked myself as I handled each and every article of clothing, "Does this bring me joy?" If it brought me joy, I kept it; if not, it was gone. She believes we should be surrounded only by the things that bring us joy. I love looking in my closet now. It makes me feel so happy, light, and excited, not to mention peaceful. Amazing transformation. Can't wait to get onto the next category. – Janet Seto
Over the past year I have been in a massive declutter mode. I have gotten rig of a third of my stuff and it is SO freeing! Thank you for reminding me to keep moving in that direction. – Caralee Alldredge
It created more order physically, and order contributes to our emotional health and creates more mental space to feel closer to the Spirit. – Carolyn Calton
My divorce is almost final and I'm in the process of splitting our stuff anyway, so this challenge was helpful in giving me extra motivation to purge. It feels GREAT! It's still going to take a while to reorganize to be "mine" but here's to new beginnings!! – Janell DeWitt
Thoughts on Mystery Challenge: Talk to strangers!
I liked this challenge- my tendency is to withdraw and I found I felt much more connected when I reached out even with just a friendly gesture. I will try to continue this challenge every day and much beyond the direct focus of our group. It helps me get outside of myself. – Hillarie Miller
This was fun for me! I enjoyed it. – Kari VanNoy
Loved it! I tried to look every one in the eyes when talking to them and saying hello to strangers that I would normally just walk by. It felt good! – Maralyn Nava
It's interesting & sad all at the same time that our phones have become our walls or our shield to have to avoid personal contact & so I found it very difficult to even get people to look up & allow human connection it's a true tragedy. – Tava Udall
Yes at work with the people I take care of. – Angie Clouse (nurse)
This was the easiest challenge so far. – Dave Petersen
I ended up being at the right place and time to help a group of snowbirds. They were all so appreciative and thankful and I loved being able to make new friends. And, I was going to just send some lemons to a non-member neighbor with my kids. Instead, I decided to go and ended up visiting for 1/2 an hour and it was awesome! – Jennie Blaser
Friendliness is such a gift that spreads one smile to another. I was caught off guard by a hello this week bc I wasn't the first to say it. It felt so nice. I want to continually light up other people's day like that. – Caralee Alldredge
It was interesting how that one little thing changed my perspective on a lot of things. It gave me a reason to look up & smile. I found myself being generally happier because I was more focused outward than inward. – Janell DeWitt
Fun! It's such a reciprocal blessing. Thanks for the challenge! – Rani Halliday
This one wasn't a stretch for me. I always like to look people in the eye and day hi❤ - Sany Harenberg
I liked it! Being in anew area it was good for me instead of shying away I met people :) – Jessica Despain
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