Friday, April 24, 2015

A Little Inspiration!

Hello my fellow creators and artists (yes, you ARE)! 

How is your project coming?! I hope you are just GOING FOR IT!! I painted a tree and I can't decide if it is finished yet... I think I'll be painting lots of trees in the coming weeks and years and hoping to get it right someday. But I am thoroughly enjoying (sometimes) the experience. I hope you are too!

Below is something that Sharon Buckley, one of our group members, made and I want to share it with you to inspire you. It is called, "Becoming". When you look at it realize that this is the SAME tree in all the pictures!! Thanks Sharon for sharin'! 

Also- A long time ago I was driving in the beautiful Utah mountains and on the BYU radio channel I heard an interview with the famous Highland High School (my parents went to this school, in Salt Lake City, Utah) RUGBY coach, Larry Gelwix. In 2008 there was a movie made about his national championship team called "Forever Strong." Anyways, what I took away from the interview was a statement he made about pain and hard work. He said that in life there is going to be pain. No doubt about it. Sometimes there is the pain of regret, but often we can avoid that pain if we are willing to put in the pain of hard work now. That always stuck with me, especially when I am feeling unmotivated to work hard, or to work at all. I can put in a little pain, a little effort now (or A LOT!) and then have the blessings that come later, instead of the pain of regret that I didn't work harder when I had the chance. This might not sound like a super positive way of looking at things, but sometimes it's a good reality check. 

Some other famous Gelwix quotes are:

  • "You have two years to serve the Lord, and the rest of your life to think about it.
  • "Good decisions don't make life easy, but they do make it easier."
  • "The true test of a man is what he will do when no one will know."
  • "The essence of a lie is not the words you choose, but the message you convey."
  • "if you lose your integrity, you've lost everything."
  • "I want you to be forever strong on the field, so that you will be forever strong off the field."
  • "I don't build championship teams, I build championship boys."
  • "Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent."

Ok- NO PAIN, NO GAIN! Let's get painting, drawing, cutting, sewing, cooking, planting, glueing! 


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