Saturday, April 25, 2015


I am really just loving the comments made in today's survey! Thank you so much! It's so fun to see what you are planning for your art project and I'm super impressed with how many of you are finishing STRONG!!

 The conference talk mystery challenge was a HIT! It really strengthens my testimony to read your testimonies of conference and the revelation and inspiration given there. I love what Spring said about Christ coming again. It really touched my heart. Thank you all! We had 20 respond to the survey this week! I hope your art projects are coming along!!! :) Best of luck!!- 

Ah ha moments from Week 11

I have found that when I redirect my focus to a new challenge I have a difficult time continuing to do the other parts of the challenge. This has taught me a lot about myself. I will work on moderation and try to incorporate all of the things in some small way.- Hillarie Miller

Never give up, never quit & keep plugging away. Remember we are Not alone & that our goal is to return home to our Heavenly Father & Mother no matter how beat up, worn out we maybe. Isn't it better to have given your all & have nothing left than come to the end & wish you had given more!- Tava Udall

My journal entry will describe an "ah ha" moment: April 17, 2015. In the Tree of Life Challenge, Sarah included words from President Uchtdorf where he said, “As you reach out to your Heavenly Father, as you pray to Him in the name of Christ, He will answer you. He speaks to us everywhere.” He then encouraged us to “listen for His voice” in the many facets of our lives. “Listen for the voice of the Father in the bounties and beauties of nature, in the gentle whisperings of the Spirit,” he said. I heard, as it were, His voice mid week as I was listening to some classical music on the radio. There were some beautiful musical phrases, and then, then they were repeated, only very softly, the way the Spirit speaks to us. I felt as if I had first heard a mortal pray, and then I heard the Father responding in the soft, very soft reply of the music. It was a sweet moment. Interesting too, was the fact that as the music returned to its normal volume, the whispering faded. – Mary Anne Koski

This has a been a fantastic adventure and fits in to aggressively happy. Being happy is a choice and it does take effort but the extra effort is worth feeling the peace and love and comfort as we bless our family, friends and our life. – Dan Brimhall

I have decided to adopt a new motto..."Be Intentional!" Life is much better when I am intentional with my actions. Even the mundane tasks of life can be fun as I'm more intentional. I heard a thought about canals vs streams. Both can carry water to the same place. However, canals are not just a pathway of water. They are a deliberate pathway...a pathway that is chosen. I determine the path in my life. I want to build more "canals" in my life with my intentions. Be intentional! (If you want to hear more about the canals, see "Generation Project" on the BYUtv - Rachel 5/23/2011 at 52:00 in the segment.) –Lachelle Hull

This whole experience has been wonderful. A million thank you's to all of you for being a part of it with me!- Sarah Crawford
Thoughts on Mystery Challenge- Re-read or watch general conference talk: (What is your favorite talk?)

I just love to hear the conference talks again. It's funny how much you can miss even when you think you are listening and taking notes the first round. For the last couple of years, my favorite thing to do is listen to a talk a day and listen to it 2 times in a row. For me it just helps that way!- Shellee Day

The dance - we may know the steps we have been taught in life but if we don't find the music that speaks to our soul the steps are just steps.- Tava Udall

Safety for the Soul by Elder Holland from October 2009. I used it in my lesson yesterday. I decided to not hook up the tv / video and instead just play the audio on speakers. I think it was more powerful because the girls weren't distracted by having to look at something. We reenacted the tree of life, complete with an iron rod, mists of darkness, temptations and jeers to leave the path and everything in class! :) – Jennie Blaser

Teaching my children how to dance to and appreciate the music of the gospel. – Dan Brimhall

My favorite talk was by Wilford W. Andersen: 

* Sometimes in our own homes we can teach the dance but it is hard to teach to listen to the music.
* The dance steps of the gospel are the things we do. The music is the peace that we feel.
* If our children learn the dance steps without learning to hear and feel the beautiful music of the gospel will eventually lose it or will continue only because they feel pressured.
* Our children’s happiness depends on their ability to hear the music of the gospel.
* We must keep our own lives tuned to the right frequency.
* In our lives we have to align with the right frequency to hear the spirit.
* The spirit can not endure unkindness, pride or envy.
* The rich harmonies of the gospel can become dissonant or become silent.
* When we can hear the music ourselves we must try our best to perform it in our homes.
* When children are little we can sing them the lullaby of love unfeigned.
* With teenagers we can sing to them the music of persuasion.
* If you aren’t hearing the music of the gospel in your home remember these two words, “Keep practicing.”

Every time we have General Conference, I always tell my family that that conference was unique. This time was no exception. They are always unique to the times. So hard to pick a favorite talk, they all spoke to me. I especially loved Elder Neil L Andersen's talk, "Thy Kingdom Come." He spoke to what I've been feeling in my heart. I have felt the scriptures coming to life as never before over the last year. Isaiah has taken on new meaning, as I witness the things being prophesied coming to fruition. I rejoice that these are my days. I long for the return of my Savior. Miracles are abounding today, and if we open our eyes, we can see God's hand in them. I loved the examples he shared of faithful members throughout the world who have been instruments in the Lord's hands to perform mighty miracles. I long to be worthy and ready to be the Lord's instrument. So happy to see the signs in the heavens and other witnesses that the day is not so far distant. "Come, O thou King of Kings! We’ve waited long for thee, 
With healing in thy wings, To set thy people free."- Spring Thibaudeau

I have never loved conference so much and that goes for re-reading and listening too. I've almost re-watched or read the whole thing! I love Shellee Day’s idea of watching it twice in a row. Don’t you think it would be great to have a new set of scriptures with every conference talk given (over the last 50 yerars? 100?) in it, in order? What a sacred book that would be!-  Sarah Crawford

The MYSTERY challenge for this week is to MAKE A PLAN about how you are going to STAY BY THE TREE or how you are going to keep up any new habits you've developed. What are you going to do when this challenge is over to help you stay motivated to read, pray, eat healthy, exercise, share the gospel, stay decluttered, etc. etc.? Consider sharing some ideas with us next week on how to stay motivated or how to remember these truths we've learned.

YES! I need to make a plan so I stay close to God.227.1%
No thank you. I'm looking forward to reverting to my old ways!00%

What kind of Tree of Life art project are you planning?


Some of the "Other" ideas are: Collage & poetry, vinyl art, out of tile, still deciding, maybe plant one. 

You are so creative!! I CAN'T WAIT!!

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