Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Kick off WEEK 6- Enjoy MUSIC!!

Hello my sweet friends- 

Sorry this email is so late! I've been working on a music related project for you and will have to share it with you later in the week. I can't quite get it done tonight. But... I am excited to hear about your ancestors and loved ones whom you researched, or remembered in special ways this week! Did it have an impact on you? I bet they loved knowing that they were on your mind and that you were spending your valuable time getting to know them better! What about the Mystery challenge of having a temple experience? Did you get there? How did you feel there? I had a unique temple experience, in that the woman sitting in front of my had some sort of sickness or episode come about while we were sitting there. She looked faint, and shaky and I swear she lost consciousness a time or two.  They had to stop and call an emergency medical person to come care for her. Luckily her husband was there too and was able to help comfort her. He was so sweet with her. I have no idea what ended up being the problem or how she is doing but I know she got a lot of prayers from us right there in that room! Poor sweet lady.

If you don't take the survey- please feel free to just email me back and tell me about your week! We can learn so much from each other! 

THIS WEEK IS OUR MUSIC WEEK!! Oh how I love music!! My mother wrote in my baby book several times about how I was always singing around the house and I still do. I loved being in choir all through jr. high and high school. I still love music and am the music leader for the junior primary in our ward at church (the kids age 3-8). Teaching them the gospel through music is such a delight. I can't even count how many spiritual experiences I have had listening to and singing music. Special times are when you hear a song with just the right message at just the right time and you feel like it's written and/or performed just for you. This alone helps us feel closer to our Father in Heaven. The songs and feelings are evidence of His love and His awareness of us. Music has such power to soften hearts and prepare them to feel the Holy Ghost and to learn important truths (like how God really sees us). It soothes, heals, encourages, empathizes, validates, cheers, reminds, comforts, teaches, enlightens... I could go on and on. I'm sure many of you have your own stories and thoughts on how much music has blessed your life, by either listening to it or performing it or both. I hope you will share with us this week.

TO GET POINTS THIS WEEK add uplifting music to your life every day and give yourself a point each day that you make an effort. Maybe put down your phone, sign off the computer (unless you are listening to music!) turn off the TV and play some sweet music. You could do Spotify, Pandora, old fashioned CD's or iTunes, there is also the Mormon Channel. It's an app too that you can put on your phone or listen online. They have several channels.  http://www.mormonchannel.org/radio/music-247 Or maybe change the kind of music you listen to. It doesn't HAVE to be Mormon music! There are millions of beautiful songs out there! Go listen to some of them! Make sure it is uplifting with good lyrics and message. I'm sure a lot of you already are great at this, so give yourself a point each day for already being a music lover!

I saw this painting by French artist, William-Adolphe Bouguereau at my sister's home tonight. How beautiful is this? I could stare at it for hours.

Inline image 1

Janet Seto, who is doing the challenge with us, helped me out this week by sharing this beautiful story from her life about the power of music and prayer. I just love it! Thanks Janet for sharing this!

While I was away for a few weeks visiting family and finishing up my master’s program, I asked my husband to do a VERY important favor for me. Upon my return, and shortly after he picked me up from the airport, I asked him if he had done as requested. He was sorry, but he had forgotten.  It was of a time sensitive nature and so I was not only disappointed, but upset. Of course, he owed ME an apology, right?? Afterall, I had been wronged. We sat quietly in the car until we arrived at home. Quickly, I exited the car and headed straight for our bedroom.

While I was waiting for him to come to me on bended knee with a heartfelt apology, I laid on the bed and read the only reading material that was in my room at the time, an Ensign. Full of inspiring stories, but certainly not inspiring enough to soften my stubborn heart! I continued to read and wait. I offered up a prayer or two, but was mainly preoccupied with how and when my husband was going to apologize.

This was our first year of marriage and I was actually missing him, his hugs, our closeness, and couldn’t wait for him to get his apology out of the way, so we could carry on as usual. :)

Finally, blaring on our speakers was the song, Love at Home. The familiar words started going through my mind, “There is beauty all around, when there’s love at home. There is joy in every sound, when there’s love at home.” With a big smile on my face, I couldn’t help but completely soften, and go running into the living room for hugs. I told him I was sorry for being so upset and for distancing myself from him. It didn’t really seem to matter who was right or who was wrong at that moment.  

He had no idea that song meant so much to me. How did he know? I’d never told him. So, while we were hugging, I just had to ask, “What made you play the song, Love at Home?”

Well, after we entered our home and I’d gone into our bedroom, my husband went into the living room, got on his knees, and started to pray. He wanted to know what he could do or say to me to make me feel better and to apologize. He said he instantly got the impression, he should play a hymn. He didn’t like that answer because he thought it sounded a bit cheesy, so he decided to pray again asking the same question. Heavenly Father gave him the same answer; play a hymn. My husband asked Heavenly Father, “If I HAVE to play a hymn, do you have one in mind I should play?” The distinct impression came to him to play, “Love at Home,” so he did.

What he didn’t know, but what Heavenly Father DID know, was that whenever there was any form of contention in my home when I was young, my mom wouldn’t say anything to us kids, she would just sit at the piano and play and sing, Love at Home. After I told him of my childhood experiences with that song, we were both acutely aware that Heavenly Father loved us, that He was a partner in our marriage, and he answered prayers. It felt like a little miracle! Especially because He’d answered them so specifically. Heavenly Father knew exactly what would soften my heart! And it did. He is there. He is listening.

Even though we had experienced our first big disagreement as a married couple, we felt even more close as we gazed into each other’s eyes, hugged, and then got down on our knees to thank Heavenly Father for answering our prayers and for caring about us so much!

WONDERFUL!!! Janet and her husband are so loved and so blessed to have such  strong connection with heaven.
Here are some really neat quotes about the power of music I thought you would like:

“Music is given of God to further his purposes. Sweet melodies mellow the souls of men and help prepare them for the gospel. After men receive the truth, songs of praise to Deity help to sanctify and cleanse their souls.”
-- Elder Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine (1966), 521

“We get nearer to the Lord through music than perhaps through any other thing except prayer.”
-- President J. Reuben Clark Jr., in Conference Report, Oct. 1936, 111

“Music is truly the universal language, and when it is excellently expressed how deeply it moves our souls.”
-- President David O. McKay, in Conference Report, Apr. 1945, 119

“I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.”
-- Psalm 69:30

“We hope the hymnbook will take a prominent place among the scriptures and other religious books in our homes.”
-- “First Presidency Preface,” Hymns, 1985
“Teach your children to love the hymns. Sing them on the Sabbath, in home evening, during scripture study, at prayer time. Sing as you work, as you play, and as you travel together. Sing hymns as lullabies to build faith and testimony in your young ones.”
-- “First Presidency Preface,” Hymns, 1985
“I wonder sometimes if we realize the importance of music. I wonder if we know that the Lord himself is concerned about it. He has given us the information that the song of praise is a prayer unto him. . . . It [is] our privilege, yea, our blessing, to sing and . . . our songs should be sung in righteousness.”
-- President George Albert Smith, Church News, Feb. 16, 1946, 6
“Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands: sing forth the honour of his name: make his praise glorious.”
-- Psalm 66:1–2

So, needless to say, music is a powerful tool of God's to bless our lives in many ways, so let's listen!! 

Here is your survey! Please take it before Tuesday morning and have a wonderful week. It has been fun to visit with some of you in real life and hear how the challenge is blessing you! Keep it up! We are half-way done at the end of this week!! I love you all so much and thanks for your patience with me and my imperfections! Have a wonderful week!!

Lots of love!

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