Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Hello friends!

A million thank you's for all the responses, comments, kind words and LOVE!! You have had some incredible experiences and my dreams for you are coming true! Thanks so much for sharing with the group. I know it means a lot to everyone, even those who are silently following along. They need your love so much!  Please remember to LEARN ABOUT YOUR ANCESTORS this week and GO TO THE TEMPLE (or Mountain of the Lord, or most beautiful quiet place you can find) for 5 Mystery points!  I'm about to run out the door so here goes...  Love you so much!! Sarah

Week 4 "ah ha" Moments:
Friday was a beautiful day for my daughter as she went to the Temple for the first time.  I remember sitting next to her & the overwhelming peace & beauty that surrounds you when inside the temple.  We truly have been blessed with a world that is filled with so much beauty & a loving Heavenly Father who loves us & has paved the way for our return home to him one day.  The scenery inside the temple had so much more beauty than I remeber in the past.  Maybe it's because this challenge as brought nature to the forefront of my mind...but I'm grateful to have been able to catch a glimpse of what Gid has in store for each & everyone of us if we continue to follow his plan, stay on His path & endure to the end.  The "JOY" we will feel when we are welcomed into his arms once again will make all of this life worth it & so much more. – Tava Udall

A couple of weeks ago, I came across this verse, "Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart I have written my law." 2 Nephi 8:7. I Believe that is what we are all seeking.   we want that closeness, and pureness of heart.   We long for that Zion heart.  We are filling our lives with goodness, as we humbly commune with Him.  It is changing our hearts.  standing in holy places really does begin in our hearts.  – Spring Thibaudeau

There are many varieties of trees that God has created for us.  Trees give us so much.  Food, shelter, furniture, medicine, paper, shade, fuel for warmth, beauty, and many more resources. TREES truly give us LIFE. – Cindy Sorensen

Thoughts on Nature
I have always loved being outside in nature. This was probably the easiest of the challenges thus far for me. I would much rather be outside than in! I find looking at the stars at night fascinating, enjoying the cool breeze in the morning wakes me up and starts my day off right and watching birds, lizards, whatever creature in their element is amazing. I got my entire garden planted this week! Growing my own fruit and veggies and watching my hard work and effort benefit my family is awesome. I love gardening! BUT...My favorite place is the beach. I feel closely connected to the water and to my Heavenly Father there. I love to mediatate on the beach! The motion of the waves, the sounds as it makes as it crashes onto the shore... I'm in heaven there. – Maralyn Nava

Interestingly enough I typically don't pay that much attention unless it's unusally cloudy, rainy etc., but Thursday I was driving home down Elliot & the trees on the north side just west of greenfield jumped out to me, it was like someone was saying "hey look at me" now mind you they are still pretty bare from the winter but there was something magical that caught my eye & as I approached them & soon past them I remember thinking "wow those trees are beautiful" I instantly thought I should turn around & take a picture...I didn't but now I wish I had....not sure why they jumped out at me...but they were magical that day. – Tava Udall

I discovered that I need to get out more. – Dave Petersen

My mother (deceased) is an artist and I recall sketches she made of the different tree forms. I enjoyed looking on line at these shapes and at pictures of trees. I also found myself thinking of the lush wet ground cover and beauty of the rain forests I was familiar with when I lived in Oregon; I also looked at pictures of these. I love the sound of a breeze as it moves through the trees, and I am enjoying our slightly cooler Arizona weather and the emerging fragrance of the citrus blossoms. Mary Anne Koski

We have been given such a beautiful world! I love clouds and the peace they bring to my soul. I also enjoy "cloud-less" days because more sunshine can be seen and felt. –Lachelle Hull

I work outside and on Saturday (while working) I incorporated "gentleness with strangers" and ended up engaging and chatting with a woman. We talked rocks, trees, animals, birds- you name it. At the end of our conversation she said God put me in her path to rejuvenate her love of nature. It was a great experience. –Hillarie Miller

I have always been a big nature lover so this one wasn't hard for me, but I enjoyed reading my scriptures outside! I felt like my brain was opened to learning more and I was able to understand what I had read and really loved the peace and quietness of being outside while studying the scriptures. – Trellany Udall

I have always gone to nature for clarity and to feel closer to my Father and Savior. It was wonderful this week to purposely go out with that in mind. – Rani Halliday

It's incredible how we get what we look for in life. If we look for misery and gloom, we'll find it. If we seek the sunlight and happiness, we'll find that, too. I became hyper-vigilant about noticing things in nature this week. I tried to spot things that I haven't noticed before... and I am AMAZED at the beauty that surrounds me! – Janell DeWitt

I loved hearing about your sisters sweet experience with the trees, the way they comforted her. Reading her experience, really influenced me as I walked in nature this week. I went to the Mesa temple and entered through the baptistry doors, just so I could have a more secluded, quiet, nature walk on sacred ground. I closed my eyes, walked slowly, and prayed my way there.  – Spring Thibaudeau

on Friday I went to the Mesa cemetery with two of my sisters to visit our parents' and my sister son's graves. There at the cemetery are a lot of cypress, olive, and orange tree. The orange blossoms were in bloom and it smell wonderful. But I could not help but thinks of the cypress and the olive trees. These two trees are often mentioned in scripture. In the dictionary it says that the cypress tree or branches from it is a a symbol of mourning. And in Jacob chapters 5 and 6, we learn Zeno's allegory of the tame and wild olive trees. I thought this talk was interesting about the tree-of-life in ancient cultures because it refer to both the cypress and the olive trees.

I experienced the most glorious sunset with my husband at the California coast and I couldn’t take a picture because my phone had died so I had to memorize the scene with my mind and I'm kind of glad I didn't get to rely on my phone because now I think it's a perfect, peaceful moment in time, that I will never forget. I feel like it was truly a special gift from God to me. The next day was a hard day, with a difficult phone call in the middle of the night and pouring down rain for a 9-hour drive home, but I had the memory of the night before and we saw 3 incredible rainbows! Yet another reminder... "I'm still here. Everything is going to be Ok!" – Sarah Crawford

Thoughts on Mystery Challenge (write a friend)

I wrote several letters, one of which was to my great aunt Helen whom I haven't seen in years. I would like to restore a relationship with her as she is the only one left on my fathers side. I would love to be able to ask her questions about that part of my family. I haven't heard back from her yet but I'm hoping to. – Karen Harris

Haven't heard back...still in the process of getting them mailed. – Tava Udall

I thought and prayed about to whom I should write, but nothing very sensible was coming together, so I was patient. Then one day I was reminded--probably a prompting--that it was a good time for my husband and I to do our daily family scripture reading, something we usually do these days, but not always. We just read a handful of verses, and when we were finished, "bing," the person's name popped into my mind. Mary Anne Koski

I wrote to a friend whose wife died a few weeks ago. She was only 45. her name was Christine McLaws from Mesa. I saw her, heard her testimony, talked with her husband (my old friend) on several occasions (at church, stake conference), when I was in Arizona this past winter. She passed out at church on January 25th, and the next day she died. It has really affected me and I wanted him to know him and his family were being thought of and prayed for. – Janet Seto
The mystery challenge was bitter sweet for me. I texted a friend and arranged to have lunch together. It was a high for my week! Then later in the week, I had been pondering who else to get in contact with. I thought of a dear missionary companion who I had not heard from for a few years. I sent an email to her work email address, not knowing if she still worked at the company. Within 10 minutes, she wrote back that she received my email. She briefly caught me up on her life. Then she told me she had not been in the church for about 5 years and will never return. That broke my heart! She said she would always hold dear our friendship, but didn't know if I would still want to be her friend. It's been hard for me to know the words to say to let her know I want to continue to be friends because I do not knowing her position on why she left the church. Does she still believe in God? Was she offended? It's been really sad for me to think of the positive experiences we had as missionary companions and to know she's let it all go. I will write her back today to let her know I still care. (I've been sick for a few days and didn't get a chance.) I've been praying that she can feel Heavenly Father's love for her and see herself as He does. – Lachelle Hull

I have the letter written. I haven't sent it. – Hillarie Miller

I sent a couple texts or emails to friends and they all answered back and it was good to catch up and hopefully a few of them will lead to getting together for lunch. – Trellany Udall

I wrote and old friend from college . It was so fun to reconnect, reminisce, and catch up. It reminded me of how blessed I've been to have such good friends put in my path. Another evidence of Heavenly Father's love. – Rani Halliday

I LOVED THIS! It was so much fun to reconnect with old college roommates, mission buddies, High School teachers, singles ward friends, former work colleagues, etc. I kind of went crazy just reconnecting with random people. I tried to be very specific about what I thanked them for and many were surprised at the details I remembered about them all these years later.. I'm grateful the spirit prompted me to send a letter to one of my High School teachers. Mr. W taught me how to type. Although it may sound like a weird thing to thank someone for, being able to type fast and accurately helped me immensely in my college career as well as my professional career. Since I last saw Mr. W, he retired and his wife died so his life's been pretty rough. He said he's never received a thank you letter from a former student before and was very grateful. I felt SO good to have lifted his spirits! :)  - Janell DeWitt

Unexpectedly a childhood friend of mine ended up coming to visit me last week. I had a chance to speak my letter directly to her! It was such a blessing to have her come and be able to reconnect- for both of us. – Camille Smith

so often I intend to do something, but never get around to it. I need to do better at "Never suppressing a generous thought." It always feels sublime to follow through with that prompting. Writing that type of uplifting note, under the influence of the spirit, I know, does far more for me than the recipient. Thanks for the extra push this week. It was a blessing. – Spring Thibaudeau

I wrote my nextdoor neighbor, Jake Hall, who is on a mission in Canada and I thanked him for HIS inspired letter to my son (who was one of his best friends) the week before. I was so grateful that he had followed a prompting of the Spirit to write my son a letter that really touched his heart. Jake (Elder Hall) wrote me right back and it was great to hear from him! I miss that young man! – Sarah Crawford

In case you were wondering… we had 29 people fill out the survey this week and most reported points. Here is what the totals for this week are looking like! Some people have lost track of their running totals but that’s ok. I could go back and add them up for you but I’ve been too darn busy! Maybe later! But great job everyone who reported and didn’t report but are still moving forward! This group is so wonderful!


MYSTERY CHALLENGE: Go to the temple! If you are willing and able, go to the temple and do work for the dead. If you aren't able to go inside, just go walk the grounds and enjoy some quiet peaceful time. If there is no temple near you, go to the most beautiful place you can think of to ponder and pray. In the olden times the prophets would go to the mountains to commune with God.

Yes! I love to see the temple2917%
No. Too hard00%

Which challenge was hardest for you this last week?

Praying twice daily106%
Scripture reading daily2213%
Exercise 3x weekly5332%
Eating healthier3621%
Rotating challenge (Enjoy nature)53%
Mystery Challenge (Write letter to old friend)42%

Which challenge had the most positive influence on you this week?

Eating Healthy64%
Rotating Challenge (Enjoy Nature)138%
Mystery Challenge (Write a letter to a friend)21%

How much effort did you put into the challenge this week?

5- Enjoying nature was very enjoyable!127%
4- I'm putting forth effort but I've got more in me to give.106%
3- Nature was easy, but the rest is still hard!32%
2- Not much effort being given32%
1- E is for effort and "eh"11%

How was your week of Enjoying Nature?

I loved getting out there every day!106%
I saw things differently74%
There is sunshine in my soul now!117%
Things look pretty much the same11%
It was hard to get out and enjoy the outdoors53%
I am amazed at how much beauty was created just for me!95%
I love trees more than ever85%

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